🟀Phase 1

Phase1: Building

  • Initial Design and Conceptualization: The foundation of Definity's roadmap begins with thorough research and conceptualization, focusing on identifying key challenges and opportunities in the cross-chain DeFi space. This stage is crucial for setting the direction of the platform's development.

  • Development of ERC-20 Bridge Protocol: A significant early milestone is the creation of an ERC-20 bridge protocol. This protocol facilitates the seamless transfer of ERC-20 tokens between Ethereum and other blockchain networks, addressing the interoperability challenge head-on.

  • Smart Contract Development and Testing: Concurrently, smart contracts are developed to automate and secure transactions across the Definity ecosystem. Rigorous testing is conducted to ensure these contracts perform as intended under various scenarios, minimizing risks and vulnerabilities.

  • Technical Documentation: Comprehensive documentation is created to support developers and users, detailing the platform's architecture, functionalities, and integration processes.

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